04 January 2008

Christmas Is Over!

Isn't that just a sad thought? All the anticipation and preparation and it is all over just like that.

We had a great Christmas this year with a lot of exciting things going on. First Amy, Cam and I had our own small Christmas at home on Saturday before the 25th. Santa had to come to our house early as we were leaving Sunday for Maui to spend the holiday with Cam's grandparents and aunt "Rena" To see the pics from our trip click here: http://www.kodakgallery.com/Slideshow.jsp?mode=fromshare&Uc=s83bs6l.7mfk6z7x&Uy=l6h3lg&Ux=0

Camden was so much fun this year as he finally figured out that there were toys in all of those wrapped boxes. It was a chore to get him to move on to the next present after he opened one as he just wanted to play with that one. Each present just kept getting better and I thought he was going to pop from an overload of excitement from it all.
Our tree was quite a bit smaller than trees in the past (7' vs 10'-12') but look at the amount of presents under there. You'd think we were the typical Utahn with 5 kids - nope just one spoiled boy!! (Well, 2 if you count me)
I actually made out like a bandit this year! Amy got me new mtn bike shoes (my others were about 7 yrs old), new cycling pants to keep me warm this winter, a new down vest, socks, hat, and on and on.....
Amy got a really nice Camera (take a look at the quality of the Maui pics in link above) that came with classes on how to use it. She also got some sweaters, and some Victoria's Secret stuff (ok - maybe that was for me too!)
Camden is helping me open his Thomas the Train set!

"Ball, ball!....Hit!...Ball...Hit!!" over and over while I was trying to open the package before getting hit with the bat
He is a little small for the Smart Bike but it doesn't stop him from trying

The Sit and Spin from Aunt Stacey and Uncle Keith

More Matchbox Cars and tracks - always fun!!

The fun just never stops with the little guy. I don't think I've been this excited about Christmas since I was a kid!!

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