13 January 2008

Amy Turns Thirty - the big 30!!

Yup, Amy turns 30 on the 14th. We celebrated her birthday on Sunday as that was the only day we could secure a babysitter.

Saturday Amy and Cam met up with Amy's friend Aerste and her little one at the mall because she and Cam both had some gift certificates for their birthdays (Cam's is the 18th). I took the opportunity to hook up with Doug and his friend Dan, to go climb Mt. Olympus. We took off from Wasatch Blvd right in the valley and climbed up over 3000 ft. The day had started out pretty grey in the valley but ended up beautiful. The sky was a very deep, dark blue from over 9000 ft. It was warm and no wind. The snow was deeper than I think any of us expected and the trail had little travel on it before us. We still made pretty good time and hit the saddle right below the summit in about and hour and a half. Doug and I use to run this trail a couple times a week when we worked together and could make it to this point in just about an hour! We decided not to do the last scramble to the top as we were all getting short on time. It was great to get out in the mtns again with Doug - it had been a while since we've gotten out like that and I miss it. The picture below were taken with my phone so you can't tell how blue the sky was but you get an idea of how warm it was by looking at how lightly dressed we are over 9000 feet high in January.

Sunday we woke up to light snow and cold/grey skies. We stayed in the first half of the day and played with Camden.
Our friends Eric and Nancy offered to babysit Camden for us in the afternoon so we could go out for Amy's b-day. I had planned for an afternoon of skate skiing at Solitude and then dinner but with the ugly weather (we're spoiled when it comes to playing in the snow here) we decided to take a rain check on the skiing and go see a movie. I know what your thinking - "why waste time on a movie for a b-day date?" but when you have not been to a movie in 2 years because of how rare it is that we have a babysitter - it was kind of a big deal for us. We ended up going to see Atonement and eating at Bambara down town. Very good but very depressing movie and a great dinner. Even though Monday is Amy's real birthday, I was able to talk her in to opening her presents when we got home with Camden that night. Here are a couple pics of Amy and Cam with her presents. Notice naked Cam - we were getting ready to get him in his pajamas when we decided to have Amy open her presents.Check out Amy modeling the new boots I got her. She was surprised that I would have gotten her boots like this and I love to see her face lighten up when she opens something from me that she would never expect! Considering most of the time I get her something like biking clothes, ski coat, or like the other b-day gift this year - waterproof trail running shoes, something like these boots are unexpected.

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