29 January 2008

Camden's Birthday!!

It's hard to believe that Cam turned 2 this month. It feels like we just brought him home from the hospital. Everyone tells you to savor every moment because kids grow up so fast but you don't comprehend it until you have one. I look at pictures from when we first brought him home and how small he was - What Happened?!?!

He is so big now and so not a baby any more. He's talking, swinging a bat, kicking a soccer ball into a goal, throwing, hitting, swimming, climbing, etc, etc, etc.... it all just keeps happening so quick. Every day something new!! The past two years have been the greatest. Every year since I met Amy it seems my life just gets better and better. It's getting to the point that I can't wait for the next adventure to happen in our lives.

I know it has been a while since my last post but things have been a bit crazy for us. Starting with Cam's b-day party (more on that in a bit) than UT gets busy this time of year. The Outdoor Retailer and Sundance Film Festival both hit at the same time so there were lots of folks in town (On a side note - I ran in to the owner of the coffee shop Amy and I looked at to buy in Hood River while having sushi downtown) So, right after Cam's birthday party which included Keith and Stacey and the boys visiting for the weekend, I had meetings all week with the boys from New Zealand that I am partnering with to form the Altitude Training company some of you have heard me talk about. They are still in town and we have set up our first simulator at Momentum Climbing Gym in Sandy. We've been busy the past two weeks with putting together a business plan and figuring out the best way to structure our US based company to serve as the sales and marketing arm of our US operations. I've been busy with this and writing the contract to form another partnership with a different New Zealand company to manufacture and distribute mountain bike apparel here in North America. All of this while still maintaining a full time position with my buddy Eric at the car wash business (which is going really good as well - we have some things in the works that will be huge for that company and are really excited but hush, hush on that until announced) Well, enough with my excuses as to why I haven't been keeping up with this blog and on to the important stuff - CAM'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!

What a great time. We invited 13 of Cam's friends to The Kid Barn, which is basically a warehouse full of big bouncy castles/slides/etc. He went crazy! Every time a new buddy would show up, Cam's eyes would get so bright and would run all over so excited. He had to chase all the older boys and keep up with them over every big slide in the place. We had pizza and cupcakes for everyone but couldn't keep their attention long enough to open presents, so back to the bouncing!!! The party list included his 2 cousins - Jared and Travis (who spent the weekend with us and brought their Wii - FUN!!), John's (from my Moab team) 2 boys - Devin and Ryan, Katherine and Bret's 2 boys - Jacob and William, our neighbors boys - Brit and Grayson, our daycare provider Tracey and her 2 boys - Jordan and Justin, and Cam's (and our) newest friend from Little Gym - Noah (and his mom Ashley). At one point or another Camden took turns running around with each and every boy there to go jump or slide or climb or just run and scream!! I think I had just as much fun as he did trying to keep up with everyone. Below are some of my favorite pictures from the day.

For some reason, this picture of Camden running after his cousin Jared is my favorite from the day. He's just running along swinging his arms up in the air and singing "ya, ya, ya" He is just sooo happy that it almost makes me want to cry (I know sounds gay but seriously) Seeing him like this brings a feeling of joy that I just can't explain!
Here are a couple more of just absolute glee

Here are a couple action shots from the day and some of Cam getting a boost from his cousins up to the top of the slides:

But don't think that Camden was the only one in this family to have fun on the bouncy slides - check out the smile on his mom's face as she starts down the slide:Here are a couple from the pizza party. I was really impressed how all of these boys actually sat down to eat and sing happy birthday. It was fun to watch the expression on Cams face as everyone sang to him - not sure what that was all about!?!?

Of course I had to include a couple cup cake eating pics!

Cam with all his buds!! How grown up?!?!?

Check out this great shot of John's boys - nice party favor hats!! I think it sums up the party pretty good - sweating, tired, and ready to go home. Carol said they had gone skiing in the morning and these two never stopped once during the party - I bet they were asleep in the first minute of the car ride home.

We finally made it back home and Camden got to open all his presents with his cousins to help. He made out like a bandit.

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