25 December 2008

Breakfast w/ Santa & First Snow

While Camden's cousins were in town (www.kstjmoody.blogspot.com) we met up with on of Cam's friends at the local firehouse for a pancake breakfast with Santa. Cam and his buddy got to climb all over the fire engines and we had our picture taken with Santa. That makes 3 times this year for Camden and he definitely is not scared of him any more!
On Dec 14th we woke up to our first snow - and it has not stopped since. In the past 11 days we have had one day without measurable snow. We now have about 37 in of snow on our yard and piles on both sides of the driveway that are taller than my car.
Cam and I have gotten out a bunch to enjoy the weather:
I had to shovel him a "road" for his trucks
Afterward, we have had plenty of hot chocolate to warm up with.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Miss you guys, Eric and Amy and Camden. Your new house looks darling... Hope you're doing well... Come visit!!!
