Here it is the weekend before Thanksgiving and I drove to Park City to MOUNTAIN BIKE!!! Not ski like I should be this time of year, but I was up in the trails on my
mtn bike. Friday, Eric

and I took off early and did two full loops on our usual
mtn biking loop in Corner Canyon above Draper, but that is not unusual as that is down here in the valley and these trails stay clear of snow most of the winter. Saturday I went up to Park City and met up with my buddy John to go biking on the trails up there. It was a great ride and we ripped it up pretty good even though the trails were packed. I guess everyone saw the same weather report we did - it's supposed to get real cold and start snowing Monday. We've had some small snow's but it has been able to warm up enough to melt and dry the trails. I've never biked up in Park City this late in the year. The temps at our house were in the upper 60's to 70 all weekend.

Saturday, before I rode, Cam and I went to the Draper park with the neighbors. He went down all the slides showing absolutely no fear in front of his friends Grayson and Brit.
Sunday was absolutely beautiful again and after Amy drug Camden and I to the mall to pick up his aunt Serena's birthday present we decided to go for a hike up the same trail in Corner Canyon that I bike. The neighbors decided to join us with their four kids as well, so we had a fun group. Camden did such a great job and actually hiked and ran more than he was in the pack. He chased after
Grayson and Brit like he was one of the big boys. He must have fallen on his face in the dirt because of a rock ten times but never cried once - just jumped up and went after them again!

These are the only pictures we got during the hike because the batteries died right at the beginning but you get an idea of how it was for Camden. He chased the older kids the whole time and would not let us pick him up. Of course he had to stop at every other rock in the trail to pick it up and throw it into the trees.
These are two of Camden's best buddies - Grayson and Brit.
He stands at our front window and yells for them on weekend mornings and any time the doorbell rings - it's a good chance it's one of these two guys asking if Camden can play - He's so gown up!!

This is the bouncy chair his aunt Laura got him when he was first born - he has gotten more use out of this than any other item he's ever had. He climbs up in it almost every evening for a little R&R. Check him out - just kickin' it!!
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