I've watched the sun rise over the Atlantic and set on the Pacific, been scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef, seen an opera at the world famous Sydney Opera House, paddled the 100 mile stretch of the River of No Return, Skied all over the Rocky Mountains, climbed the Grand Teton, Sailed the western breezes of the British Virgin Islands, surfed the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, partied in Daytona Beach for Spring Break, counted stars as they appeared in the wide open sky above Zion National Park, rode a mechanical bull in Mexico, Snorkeled underground caverns in Playa Del Carmen, honeymooned in Fiji, mountain biked the world famous Slickrock Trail, slept under the most breathtaking skies in Yellowstone National Park, Kayaked on the Colorado, Snake, and Salmon rivers, fished for steelhead in Hells Canyon, Scuba Dived on wrecks in the graveyard of the Atlantic, hiked over night through the tight canyon walls of The Narrows and many more little adventures way too numerous to mention.
With all of this said - there is one thing I've done recently that makes all of this seem unimportant and non-eventful. It is something I do now on a regular basis and can't get enough of. Every evening I spend some time on my hands and knees making growling noises while I chase Camden into the safety of his beautiful mom's arms. There is nothing in this world that can compare to the joy I feel hearing him scream with laughter and giggle over and over again as I chase him around our bedrooms trying to tickle him, ending in a big bear hug of all three of us on the floor laughing. I am truly blessed to have such a great family and would not trade my life right now for anything!

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