We woke Saturday to rain mixed with snow on the benches. Camden had a birthday party to go t

Saturday night Camden started to sound really congested and was running a fever of 103. We called his Dr. who told us to give him some ibuprofen and make sure he stayed hydrated - which was not a problem as he was drinking everything in site. By the time we got him in bed that night he sounded really bad. He woke up at midnight and sounded like he could barely breathe. He was wheezing and struggling to catch his breath. We got up and decided to not chance anything and took him to the emergency room. By now the weather had changed again. Now all the roads are covered with snow and it is dumping in buckets!
They checked his oxygen levels in his blood and wanted to x-ray him for pneumonia. I don't know if you've ever seen a 22 month old get a chest x-ray - but it was the most horrifying thing I've seen. They strap him into this torture chamber device and then tell you to leave the room while he screams for his life (OK - that sounds a little extreme, but that is how it felt at the time!)

The x-ray looked good and he was diagnosed with a viral lung infection and maybe the croup. (It has taken him a full week to get over this and he is still stuffy)
We woke up Sunday morning (after getting home from the ER at about 2:30) to a fresh blanket
of snow on the ground. Really we didn't get much sleep at all as Cam was in bed with us.
We stayed in today and watched movies. Camden loves Curious George and can watch it over and over. The first time he watched it he cried when the bad men threw a net over George to take him away - it was sooo cute.

Finally getting some sleep.

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