Our second Christmas in Hood River, OR has come and gone! In the past year we've made some great friends, moved (one too many times) and are expecting a new addition to our family in 2010 (really soon!) but most of all we have REALLY enjoyed where we live and all it has to offer.
We did not get a monster snow like we did at this time last year but we managed a few snow days and some sledding. It gets more fun every year - especially now that Cam is big enough to walk up the hill on his own with the sled! He still has no fear and launches off the highest, steepest hill in Jackson Park near our home
He must have sat on about 10 different Santa laps this year which I think made it a bit confusing. We told him this Santa was the real one and the rest worked for him. I don't think he bought it and is just too smart for his own good. He made sure to tell each and every one of them that he wants a "bike and a transformer" This particular Santa told Cam he would even be sure to include training wheels. You should have seen Camden's face!!! He looked half confused and half insulted: "What?!?! No! I don't use training wheels!"

Amy is ready to get this baby out of her belly and can't wait for him to come. She is managing to stay as active as possible and even joined Cam and I on a snowshoeing trip. (She has even done a few with some friends too)

Cam was not so sure about the whole snowshoeing thing as it is a bit more work than just hiking. we had fun exploring a trail near us but he got tired and grumpy pretty quick. He's a trooper though and pushed on through.

We got our tree from a friends farm and Camden really wanted to help cut it down. He crawled under with me and held onto the saw for every stroke until it fell.

He was
sooo proud of his efforts.....

....but the most fun came with decorating it where he even got to hang the big ribbon on top!

Nothing beats the Christmas train around it though and he spent quite a few hours being the conductor - as well as loading the train cars up with his matchbox cars and little men!

We also managed a quick ski day in the midst of all the Holiday activities! Cam's leg strength and coordination are much better this year and he really took to the skis very well. We did only about 2 short runs where I was right behind him holding him and from then on....

I spent my time just chasing him down the mountain as his confidence grew!

He was full of smiles and cruising on his own. I love spending time like this when he is still learning and pushing himself to his limits. I truly believe there is nothing he can't do if he concentrates his efforts. I know I am biased but I do believe he is very special (as all kids are in each
their own way) When he enjoys something and really puts an effort to it (like biking, swimming, etc) it is truly amazing and fun to watch. When I see that smiling look of fun mixed with concentration into what he is trying to accomplish, I know I am doing something right in raising him! I never knew it was possible to love so much!

Cam also got to sing "Let it Snow" in his school winter performance. Check out the big scab on his nose from when he dove down the slide at his school face first and planted into the dirt.

My amazing wife also scored us some tickets on the Polar Express train ride with the Mt Hood Railroad. It was a ton of fun and included singing carols, hot chocolate with cookies and a ride to the North Pole.

Just like in the movie, Cam had to get his ticket punched......

...and we even got to meet Santa (again) at the "Nerf" Pole (as Cam has been calling it)

Christmas Eve we had some friends over for some dinner and drinks. two of Camden's best friends came too and they each got to open some gifts from each other.

Santa's elves were up very late that night getting all the gifts wrapped and under the tree. I think I was more excited than Cam and couldn't sleep anyway!

Camden must have been a pretty good boy all year as he did well on Christmas - including the one thing he asked for EVERY time we saw another Santa this year - A NEW BIKE - "Without training wheels" Check out the short video of his first ride on the new bike which is a bit big for him but he manages with it and even managed to use the new hand brakes on this one!
All these toys and so little time to play with them -
AAhhh, Christmas can be exhausting!!

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