We headed to the beach right at the end of the first trimester for a week of relaxation with my sister Laura at Surf City, NC on Topsail Island. (check out the link to the right - "Best Vacation Spot Ever"
"Let's go real, real far out dad!"
He loved to ride the waves and splash into them on anything he could find, but his favorite was...
the BOOGIE BOARD!!! (Or as he called it - "the boogie-man board")
He would surf all day if we let him - the only trouble we had was keeping him from going too deep or being carried too far down the beach!
"Surf's up mom! Stop taking pictures!!"
Mostly though, we just relaxed in the sun with friends and family that we miss a bunch being so far away. Check out the sexy legs of the preggo!! Soaking up the rays!
Camden also had to try his hand at surfing like the big kids. "Look at me mom! I'm standing up!!"
....Oops! Even for just a second. Those waves can be tricky!
Of course - if there is a ball around to be played with, Camden will find it
One of the best things about the beach on the east coast - besides the best sand, warm water, friendly people, quiet beaches, etc, etc, is the CRABS!!!!!!
We steamed 6 dozen (a bushel) for a big feast - here are Nathan, Chris and Bailey supervising Dutch and I steaming the crabs!
Crabs, Beer, Friends, Family, Beer, a Cool Humid Breeze, Catching Up, Beer is what a crab feast is all about!! (I might have had a bit of a headache the next morning after this picture)
We did get a little rain during the week but took the time to go check out the aquarium. In the main tank there was this one shark that really did seem to just follow Camden around - check it out, staring right back at Cam:
Laura quickly became his new best buddy and he would follow her around constantly "Aunt Laura, do you want to play with me?" How could she say no to that??? For those of you that may not know it, my sister is the "child whisperer" - kids LOVE her!
We even managed a night out roller skating! Cam was trying to stay on his west coast time zone while there, so it made for some fun late nights for him! Skating was hilarious and this place is like going back in time.
We all took turns giving our backs a work-out while trying to help Camden learn to skate - we could never get going fast enough for him though! Check out the blur going past Laura and Cam. That's Dutch! He is like the skating master and was whipping past everyone.
We had a great week and wish we could have stayed longer. Camden has already been asking when we can go back. He had such a great time with his cousins Phoebe, Peter and Brody. Luckily his new friend Peter has a "little brother" so Cam has backed off of the "I want a little sister" wish he had going on about our new one - just in case it's a boy!!
Bye from the beach
Camden traveled great and was such a good boy. He hates to sit still but we managed to keep him entertained for the trip home. He was excited to go for a hike the next day though
We headed to Beacon Rock and hiked to the top. Camden did the whole hike, up and back down, all on his own - and it was pretty much straight up!
We miss our friends and family back east a bunch, but we also LOVE where we live.
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