So, I had another business trip last week - this time to Vegas. Not a bad time to go as InterBike was going on at the same time as the tradeshow I went there for. Our last day in town, we decided to get off the strip and went climbing in Red Rocks! We did a multi-pitch climb and my buddy Ryan did all the work leading every climb and I just cleaned up on my way up - being top-roped!! It was a great morning but as it got later in the day it got hot as hell. I only made about 1/2 of the last pitch and bailed out as the rock was almost too hot to touch!!
This is me coming up one of the easier lower pitches!

These next 2 are of Ryan on the last pitch of the day. Notice how the rock is almost a black color - when its 100 degrees in the sun, that stuff is hot!!

Camden and I have had a bunch of time to play since I got back. I had to spoil him and get some more train pieces! He could sit and play with his train set all day if given the chance!

This weekend was "Hops Fest" in Hood river and also marked our first real, rainy days since we moved. It's cool to see that a soaking rain does not keep this town from drinking BEER!!!! Oh, how it is living in the micro-brew capital of the world!!!! The other cool thing I found out this weekend is that a soaking rain does not deter the mountain biking. I did a great 3 hr ride on the WA side of the Gorge on Sunday and the trails were in great shape!!! Wet roots made it interesting but we had a great, long climb, a bit of technical decent, followed by a ripping fast downhill! Riding Year 'Round!!!!!!
A shot from Hops Fest:

This is a blurry shot of Camden and his girlfriend - Mayla. The phone doesn't do action shots well:
Camden and I went to the Discovery Center and Museum the other day. Here he is exploring the Columbia River with Lewis and Clark!!

He has been a popular boy these days with "Play Group" every weekend and it seems like we are going to birthday parties every other weekend. This is such a great place to raise kids and there are soooo many his age. Everyone we meet our age has a kid or two around Cams age and they live here to play outdoors like us!!!
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