12 October 2008
The Pumpkin Patch!
Aunt Serena came to visit!!
Check out our pitcher. He takes this very serious! "I don't think you can hit my fastball daddy"
Especially when I hid the spitball behind the glove!
The wind up! (Notice the concentration and serious look - you know it's gonna be a strike)
"Thanks for the swinging tips grandpa!"
Seriously though - check out the throwing form on our 2 year old. He's freakishly good at sports!!! (must get it from his mom)
Beach time from July
06 October 2008
A couple quick updates!
This is me coming up one of the easier lower pitches!
These next 2 are of Ryan on the last pitch of the day. Notice how the rock is almost a black color - when its 100 degrees in the sun, that stuff is hot!!
Camden and I have had a bunch of time to play since I got back. I had to spoil him and get some more train pieces! He could sit and play with his train set all day if given the chance!

This is a blurry shot of Camden and his girlfriend - Mayla. The phone doesn't do action shots well: Camden and I went to the Discovery Center and Museum the other day. Here he is exploring the Columbia River with Lewis and Clark!!
He has been a popular boy these days with "Play Group" every weekend and it seems like we are going to birthday parties every other weekend. This is such a great place to raise kids and there are soooo many his age. Everyone we meet our age has a kid or two around Cams age and they live here to play outdoors like us!!!