Camden has taken to his new home very well and seems to love it. We spend most of our days outdoors and he seems to tackle every adventure with gusto. We Camped up in the Blue Mountains two weeks ago and he had a ball - helping me keep the fire going, cooking hot dogs over the open flame and sleeping in our tent. He woke up the next morning and sat up saying "I wake up Dad!" and when I asked him to lay back down again he said "No - bears will get me!" Good thing I let him watch a special about grizzly bears on the Discovery Channel with me that week.
He has also turned in to quite the water-boy. He loves to swim and dives under water - at 2 1/2 yrs old! It's awesome to watch him show off his new skill when we have a play date with his friends at the beach. The other parents watch in amazement and try to use Camden as encouragement for their kids. He's been watching the Olympics with us and mimics the swimmers. In the bath he scoots to one end of the tub, puts his face under water, and "swims" to the other end where he tries to turn around keeping his face under water. It's hilarious to watch and water goes everywhere!!
Here a a few pics of Cam:
Check out how well he has started biking - I don't think the training wheels are going to last much longer. (Also check out the view behind him of the Columbia River from our street!)

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