We have really enjoyed our time here in Hood River this summer. It has been nonstop adventure since we made the move. The summers here are just jam-packed with things to do and things going on. If you commit one day to do one thing, you feel like you missed out on five other things. So far we've gotten in a bunch of biking - road & mtn, kayaking, hiking, camping, parades, sternwheeler races, watched bike races, kiteboarding comps, windsurfing comps, wine tastings galore, bbq's, parties, "First Friday" celebrations, 4th of July parade/festivities, farmer's markets with the freshest fruits ever, play dates for Camden, more dates for Amy and I than all the time we were in UT, and visits with grandma and grandpa!! - and the list keeps going.
The problem is, with all these things going on so quickly we never seem to slow down enough to remember to charge the camcorder or buy batteries for the camera! We have been terrible when it comes to taking pictures and most have been with our phones.
Here are a few from some of our little adventures:
This is Amy and Camden standing on the bridge over Husum Falls on the White Salmon River on the WA side of the gorge. This is 10 miles from Hood River and my first kayaking run since we moved.

Here are a couple kayakers heading over the falls that I ran earlier - I hadn't been kayaking in a year and this was my first run. Just about crapped myself going over this, but made it!!

Camden and I paddling around the new Kids Beach on the Columbia River

This is a shot of Couer d'Alene lake in the ID panhandle about 4 1/2 hrs away. I had to go to a tradeshow there so of course I took my mtn bike to get in a few rides.