Spring has been crazy this whole month of April. We've had 80 degree days followed by snow two days later. We woke up on May 1st with snow covering the grass and it's now mid 60's again. I've been hitting the riding pretty hard and was trying to get ready for

When we got back home to mom it was time for Cam to ride his bike. He has gotten his balance pretty good with the training wheels but is still having a hard time reaching the pedals at the bottom of his stroke. The whole pedaling thing is going a bit slow - after all, when dad pushes you - why pedal!??!?!
We had a great warm spell for a while and even had a margarita happy hour on the front porch with the neighbors. Luckily we have 2 other houses on our street that aren't mormon so we can actually have a Utah Happy Hour (bars are not allowed to have an actual happy hour in UT) Check out Camden with his drink on the front porch:
"This better be good!"

"What is this?!? A Utah Drink? Where's the Cuervo?!?!?!"

Last weekend was the East Canyon Road Race which is a 61 mile race that has 2 decent climbs - one is over 1500 ft. It is only opened to licensed riders and I was a bit nervous as I have not ridden competitively like this since 2003. I still do some of the usual races every year but have been just racing in the citizen group or "just for fun" I ended up doing much better than I thought. Our group of Cat 5 racers took off at a relaxed pace until about 7 miles in we hit the first climb. Once over that I was part of a 12 man group that lead for the next 45 miles and was actually one of about 5-6 guys doing all of the work at the front of our small peleton. About 10 miles from the finish we hit the big climb of the day and everyone attacked. We also caught up to a bunch of the Cat 4 riders who started 5 mins before us so now I could not tell who was in my Cat or not. I attacked the best I could and got into a group of 3-4 (we dropped one) after the climb for the last couple of flat and windy miles. Lucky for me the race finished with a steep up hill (where I do better) so I was able to win the last sprint with my small group. I ended up in 8th place out of 62 riders.
We also had a trip down to Saint George and did some hiking in Zion National Park with Keith, Stacey and the boys but I forgot our camera. If they send me some of the pics from that weekend I'll put some up here. It was beautiful there this time of year.
This weekend we bought Camden a scooter so he can play with all the bigger kids in the neighborhood who have them:

We live on a hill and he loves to take his trike and scream down to the bottom. It actually scares me because he goes so fast, but the kid has absolutely no fear. Today we figured out how to rig a tow rope from his trike to my mtn bike so I can pull him back up.
I pull him up the hill....

he pulls me down.

Tomorrow I hope to get in a really long ride. We have a b-day party to go to in the middle of the day and then I have to drive to Saint George late tomorrow night for a meeting Mon morning. I plan on taking my mtn bike and getting in some good riding while there. I'll put some pics from tomorrows party and my trip south on here next week.
By for now!!

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