This past weekend we got a good snow (finally)

We probably got 6 inches at our house Saturday and the mountains finally got dumped on.
Sunday was sunny and nice, so we got Camden bundled up in the snow suit our friend's the Concannon's gave him and headed out to the snow. We started on the little hills in our yard but then ran into the neighbors who were headed over to the school for the BIG hill. Camden loved it. His little sled (Also from the Concannon's! - thanks guys!!!!) was much faster than I expected. Camden was probably one of the fastest on the hill and going down farther than anyone since he is so small. I must have drug him up that hill 20 times and every time he would throw his arms over his head and screech with laughter. Possibly the most fun I've ever had!!
The pictures are just of the little hill in our yard - we forgot to take the camera to the big hill. Maybe this weekend.

After a full day of sledding we picked up our Christmas tree. Since we are spending Christmas in Hawaii this year we decided to get a small one - it is only about 6 1/2ft tall. Not the usual 10-12 ft like we normally get. It looks so small in our house compared to trees in the past. But this is the first year that Cam really seems to understand what is going on. He was so excited to help decorate the tree. We also put a lighted reindeer in the front yard. Every ten minutes he grabs me by the hand to go look at the deer from the front window saying "Deer? Deer?" I'm so excited about Christmas this year, it almost feels like when I was a kid - the anticipation is killing me!

This is Cam's newest talent. When you ask him to smile - this is the face you get. My favorite is the one with him using his deflated basketball as a hat.

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