It has been a long time since I posted anything to this blog. Partly due to being lazy and not finding/making the time for this when I now have 2 boys I could be playing with instead!! That and the whole Facebook and Twitter things have been my main portal for keeping in touch with family and friends these days.
The main reason though - every time I come to this page I get sucked into reading my last post - the story of Chase being born and what the little guy went through!! Then, after reading it I decide I just want to stick with that on this page and be done! Lately though, Amy has been on me about updating it as this blog was a sort of journal about Cam and our lives with him for a few years before Chase was born and it's just not fair to not do the same for Chase. Finally - I agreed!
Chase is growing up WAY too fast and it's about time I start tell
ing his story too! He's a tank of a kid now and at only 22 months he is already outgrowing the clothes Cam wore when he was 2-3 years. He is super active and smart too - even had a success on the potty already! He is talking well and chases Cam around all day (appropriately named kid, huh??).
Instead of boring anyone foolish enough to read this I thought I would just post a bunch of photos from the past year.
First one is from right after Chase turned 1. He had a fever spike that put him into a seizure and the very same "Panda" team came to Hood River to transport him into OHSU - AGAIN!
But....It wasn't long before we were back on the right trail and playing outside!

But now Amy is racing too!!
And Cam still has the most wins in the family!
But I think he'll have some competition soon
Competition or not - Cam is a great big brother and is always there to lend a helping hand with Chase.
He's such a big boy now that he is in elementary school - fist day of kindergarten this year.

He even played lacrosse with the 1st & 2nd graders. He may have been the smallest on the field but he was my ground-ball champion (yes - I coached!)

Chase (living up to his name) is right on Cam's heals with LAX too!
We still LOVE where we live and take advantage of all the Gorge has to offer!
Amy even finished her first century ride!!
Family is starting to realize what a great place we live - I'm pretty sure the week Laura and Dutch were here there was a shortage of wine available after they left!!
Amy and I still managed a few fun trips for just the 2 of us
Chase has already had a success on his training potty

Cam got a new bike - this one with gears and suspension - his riding has gone through the roof