Sometimes I just need to share a little about Camden. I know I am just a proud daddy but sometimes I watch him playing and think: "Wow! He is something special" (Yes - I'm going to be doing some bragging!)
He never ceases to amaze me. If it's swimming, biking, counting (in
English and
Spanish), baseball, music, skating, the alphabet, etc, etc....
I'm not saying he is superior to other kids in any of these and I know there are plenty of kids that can do these things better but he just seems to grasp anything he tries and he always wants to try anything!! We are a very active family and Cam has been drug on many adventures. Through them all he keeps smiling and asking for more. I love to experience new things with him and see how he reacts. Always with enthusiasm!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love to bike. I try not to push it on Cam too much and want him to decide what he wants to do. As his mom says; "He is going to be great at whatever he puts his mind to" I couldn't agree more!
This week it has been skating (or
scootering in his case). Hood River has one of the best skate parks in the NW and we have just started taking Cam there for the first time.

The park is designed for abilities of all levels. Camden took to it quickly like he does with everything. Luckily he is not afraid of falling or getting a few bruises. I think he just enjoyed running around the park as he did riding the scooter.

Sometimes, having no fear can be a bad thing for a 3 year old as a few times he carried his scooter to the top of some of the bigger walls and tried to go down them - time to buy more pads for the boy!

To say that he goes after everything he does with gusto is an understatement. The other day it was raining and I was working from home with him. He couldn't find a wheel to a toy, so I told him to go look in his toy box. After a few minutes of quiet, I figured I should see if he found it - no wheel but a thorough job of searching.

As I write this he is playing with Play-
Doh (raining outside) and for some reason (he is like his mom in this regard) he likes to make shapes with the cookie cutters and line them all up in a neat row. He is pretty proud of his work too: "Take a picture Dad!"

I also wanted to share one of my favorite times with Camden - one that doesn't come as pictures on this blog. That is bed time. Every night at about 8 we lay down for reading time where either his mom or I read books with him for about a half hour and then it is lights out. Before we leave him to fall asleep I get to tell him one story - it goes something like this every night:
Camden: "Tell me a story dad"
Me: "What kind of story"
Cam: "The story about the little boy"
Me: "OK. What's the little boy's name?"
Cam: "Camden Moody!"
Me: "Well, a long time ago there was a little boy, and guess what his name was"
Me: "That's right! And Camden had a mommy and daddy who loved him very much. One day when Camden was just little his mommy and daddy got him a bike (or skis, or surf board, or in a great school, or baseball, or guitar, or lacrosse stick - you get the point)"
The story goes on as to how Camden was sooo good at whatever it was we got him while still really young, then how he excelled when he got into school, and high school, went off to a great university where he was a star and later turned pro or won a gold medal in the Olympics, cured cancer, became president, starred in a rock band - you get the point again.
I love my story time like this with Camden and he loves it too!

He is our main source of entertainment these days - even riding in the car. We like to listen to music - all types, but Cam has his three favorite songs right now that we love to listen to him sing along with. They are "So What" by Pink, "Reggae Got Soul" by 311 and "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley. Yes - not your normal toddler selection of music but it makes us smile to each other when we hear him singing along!
We're off to Boise for the weekend for Camden's cousin's b-day party and hopefully some family biking!!