Camden's 3rd birthday was last month. It seems like we were just leaving the hospital with him in our arms, panicking over the car seat and if it was installed right, driving 15 miles under the speed limit, wondering why they just let us go with this new life and no real instructions on what we were supposed to do with him!!! I just remember that brief moment of horror and thinking I was not prepared to raise this new life that I was responsible for.
Luckily for us, we were blessed with the easiest baby in the world. Within his first couple weeks he was sleeping through the night. I can remember waking in a panic thinking we slept through his crying or that something even worse happened. I ran into his room to find him just peacefully sleeping. It's crazy to think of how he used to sleep sideways in his little crib that is now set up as a day bed that he has almost outgrown. He was such a tiny little baby just yesterday and now he is such a big boy.
Camden constantly amazes us with new developments every day. He is such a great little athlete, swimmer, runner, biker...... and I am not sure how he ever got to be so smart with me as a father - must get it from his mother. He loves to read books, can count to 20 (and five - almost 10 in Spanish), knows all his colors, and is getting better at recognizing certain letters. He never ceases to impress us.
I'm sure everyone can brag about their kids like this and know that I am a very proud daddy. I have this very deep feeling of wanting to give my son all of the things I missed out on as a kid from losing my parents at a young age. Every decision I make these days seems to be with him in mind and if he can get a positive experience from it. I want him to be able to experience all the world has to offer and have every opportunity in the universe at his fingertips!!
We had a great weekend for his birthday. The town of Hood River was a bit socked in with a cloudy inversion in the river valley so when his cousins - and my brother - showed up we went up to the mountain where the skies were blue and the sun shining:
This is a shot up the glacier toward the southeast side of Mt. Hood

Camden loves to play in the snow and we just recently got him his first set of skis

I look like I know what I'm talking about here - pointing out features of the mountain - yeah right!!

Found some snow caves to play in

The birthday party was a hit! We had nine kids all between 2-3 years old with their parents. Since we had just been to Disneyland we asked Cam what kind of party he wanted to have and he decided on Mickey Mouse.
"Don't worry everyone - I'm sure that finger in the cake has not been up his nose!"

Using that killer baseball swing to smash the Mickey Pinata

All the kids were all smiles with the games we played in the garage.

Camden loves his big cousins and tries so hard to keep up with the big kids. We are so happy that they were able to move to within a 5 hour drive to Boise, ID so we can visit a bunch!!