We have the most incredible little boy! He was not cranky at all - even after the long flight there, playing on the beach, staying up late dancing at the wedding and even getting up in the middle of the night to fly home. This weekend should have had his schedule all sorts of messed up and made him cranky - but no! He is sleeping through the night on his normal schedule again and we heard comment after comment from other passengers on the plane about how lucky and blessed we must be to have such a well mannered and happy child!! We are!

We got to Topsail Island at 2 in the morning after the 2 1/2 hr drive from Raleigh. My sister, Laura (http://www.abeachplace.com/) hooked us up with a great house right on the beach and very close to the wedding. We split it with Theresa and Chris and Cam's cousins - Hannah and Ashtin. I wish we could have stayed longer. The islands here are so relaxing. I could sit and stare at the waves for hours and not have a care in the world!
Friday we slept in and then played on the beach before the winds kicked up and the bad weather that was in the forecast arrived.

The wedding was Saturday and the weather was not as nice. We relaxed on the island and hit some of the stores and gift shops.
The wedding was really fun. Camden stole the show and danced with every girl there. He was definitely the life of the party!
Here are a couple pics of him dressed like a "little man" with his cousins who were junior bridesmai

These pictures will give you an idea of what a ladies man we have on our hands.

I don't even know who this person is, but she could not get enough of Cam. She told Amy (in her southern draw): "He makes me want a baby soo bad - and I don't even have a boyfriend!"

Check out everyone doing the Electric Slide - and Camden right in the middle being held by his aunt Tess:
Here are a couple more shots from the wedding:

Check out how beautiful my sexy wife is - we had a great night of dancing!

This is Camden with his great uncle Tim. I haven't seen my uncles Tim and Steve in over 10 years. They came to the wedding with my cousin Noelle and her sister-in-law, Melissa. It was great to get caught up with them after so long!