We're just getting sick of the snow!!!

I never thought I would say those words. After all, it was the "Great Utah Powder" that got me to move here in the first place, but this year has seen the most snow I've ever witnessed in the valley. I've been in Utah now for almost 10 years and never remember there being this much snow in the valley. Typically the mountains get dumped on and we just get a light snow that disappears in just a few days. That's not the case this year. I've had piles of snow on my yard all winter and am having to clear the driveway every other day - seriously - we have gotten a considerable amount of snow every other day! I think we are all just getting sick of it. Usually a lot of snow would just mean more snow shoeing or skiing but that is sometimes hard to accomplish with a 2 year old, especially when the temps have been so cold and the sun is not shining.
We do still manage to get out of the house and play though. You've probably seen past posts of the little guy on his sled but this weekend when we got a break in the weather on Saturday we were motivated by Jill's blog from Alaska (
http://arcticglass.blogspot.com/) and decided to do some winter biking (for little tikes). It was so much fun! I figured he had so much padding on and the snow was good and soft on either side of the sidewalk that I would just let him pick up his feet and go zooming down the hill. He loved it - I guess he's like his dad and has the need for speed!!

When the sun comes out after a snow, the mountains do look amazing. This is the view from our driveway looking up the street. (This is the mountain I can lay in bed and look at from our window as well).
Sunday we woke up to MORE SNOW!!!! That's how it has been. One day on, one day off. I need to get on my bike! I've transformed my old hard tail to a winter commuting bike and am going to hit the road this week no matter the weather! (Thanks for the inspiration Jill!!)

With the weather being windy, cold and snowy, we woke up this morning and played around the house in our PJ's. Amy and Cam did some coloring and we watched the snow come down sideways.

We are going to be headed to Momentum Climbing Gym in a little bit as I've started my Altitude Simulation Training and have to spend an hour a day there, five days a week. Not bad as we can also blow off some steam on the wall or a stationary bike. Later we have a Super Bowl party to go to so hopefully the snow will stop in a bit so the roads are not too bad.

Here is a picture of my b

uddy Eric on the altitude simulator. Pretty cool concept and hopefully we can sell a few of these things to make this my full time job! Check out our website: