Christmas!! Yeah!! It's finally here!
On Christmas Eve we had a few friends over for some good eats and very good wines. Camden got to spend some time with one of his best friends and even got her a Christmas present!!
Camden's train around the tree completed the look!
Christmas morning Camden had come into our bed really early and slept with us for a bit. When he woke I asked him if he thought Santa had come and we ran downstairs to look. Before he even noticed the presents he was looking around the house for Santa expecting that the big guy would have hung out in the morning with us. (I guess I could have explained that part better for him!!) He quickly noticed that the milk and cookies we put out the night before were gone and than the mad rush to open presents began.

Followed by me trying to figure out how to get them out of their boxes and put together while Camden tries to play with them still in the box - a little over excited!
This has been the most fun Christmas yet as Camden now understands what is going on and the whole concept of Santa. I had Cam and his little friend looking out the windows on Christmas Eve to see if they could see Rudolph's nose through the snowy sky.
After everyone cleared out, Amy and I stayed up late wrapping the rest of the presents....
and when we were all done, our family room looked like it could have been a holiday card!
After the presents were all opened we decided to go out and play in the snow for a bit - mainly to work off some of the sugar high!! Amy and Camden tried some snow kayaking but when that was not working so well we turned to Amy's new alpine touring skis. (Amy is sporting the new down coat and hat she got)
Since all of the roads around town are like groomed cross country tracks, we took off around the neighborhood. I pulled Camden on a sled with my skis and Amy tried hers out for the first time. We skied around for almost 2 hours and when we noticed that Camden was falling asleep on his sled with his new helicopter from the movie Cars, we decided to head in for a nap.
The icicles are really building up around the house - some are at least 6 ft long! We are supposed to be headed into a warming trend so maybe we'll make it to Disneyland in 2 days!
I wonder how long it will be before I am off of these rollers and outside too?? Amy got me some great cold-weather cycling gloves and a bike cleaning stand w/ kit for x-mas - can't wait to put it all to use!!